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Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of patient information and to handling your personal information in a responsible manner in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, the Australian Privacy Principles and relevant State and Territory privacy legislation (referred to as privacy legislation).

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and handle information, including personal information that you may provide to us through our website (the “Site”), and how you may access that information and how you may seek the correction of any information. It also explains how you may make a complaint about a breach of privacy legislation. This Privacy Policy is current from September 2019 and is reviewed annually. From time to time we may make changes to our policy, processes and systems in relation to how we handle your personal information. We will update this Privacy Policy to reflect any changes. By using the Site, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as stated in this policy.

This policy is incorporated into the Terms of Use by this reference. In addition to reviewing our Privacy Policy, you should also read our Terms of Service. Your use of the Site constitutes your agreement to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service.

By using the Site, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as stated in this policy. This policy is incorporated into the Terms of Use by this reference. In addition to reviewing our Privacy Policy, you should also read our Terms of Service. Your use of the Site constitutes your agreement to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service.

This Policy May Change

All of our policies, including this Privacy Policy, may change. Your continued access and use of the Site will constitute your acceptance of any changes or revisions to our Privacy Policy.


This Policy explains:

  • The types of information Proligner gathers from Site users.

  • How Proligner uses your personal information.

  • How Proligner uses non-personal information.

  • What personal information, if any, Proligner may share about you with others and the conditions that protect your information if it must be shared.

  • The security measures Proligner takes to protect your information from loss or disclosure.

  • The circumstances under which you can access personal information you have shared with Proligner and have that information corrected, restrict Proligner’s use of that information, and even have it removed from our active servers.

  • Other things you should know about privacy and Proligner.

Who May Use the Site

The Site is not intended for use by minor children (under the age of 18). We do not knowingly collect information from any person that is a minor. Parents and guardians should monitor the use of the Site by minor children. Once information is entered into the Site, it may not be possible to completely remove it from the internet.

The Site is hosted in and designed for users in Australia. This Privacy Policy applies to residents of Australia. Parts of this Privacy Policy may not apply to visitors outside this area. If you are not from Australia. visitors to our Site, by visiting our Site and providing us with data, you agree that your personal information may be processed in Australia. In addition, such data may be stored on servers located outside your resident jurisdiction, which may have less stringent privacy practices than your own.

The Personal Information We May Collect

Proligner collects information that you provide to us or that we learn about you from your use of the Site. For example, you may provide information to the Site when you register, search, make purchases, participate in a survey, rate or review us, or communicate with Proligner. You might supply us with such information as your name, address, phone number, credit card or other financial information, email address, and personal preferences. We may also obtain and store certain types of non-personal information, such as demographic or statistical information, whenever you visit the Site. Our Site may also collect information on your physical location by using satellite, cell tower or other data. We may use such information to contact you with personalised messaging or content, including by marketing certain services (for example, if a Proligner-affiliated retail site is near your location).

If you provide a review of your experience with Proligner by responding to a request for a review or feedback, filling out a survey, or rating us on a third party site, you authorise Proligner to use such reviews for marketing, for use in review aggregation, including the right to sublicense such reviews to third parties for such purposes, and to modify such reviews (without changing the substance of any ratings or comments in any misleading manner, but generally to shorten or make more usable or combine with other reviews). Once a review has been submitted, the permission to use such review is not revocable. We will use such reviews in the aggregate and we may also refer to individual reviews using First Name, but only using your last initial, for example, “John S.” or “Jill R.” rather than using your full name.


Our privacy practices are intended to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, the Australian Privacy Principles and relevant State and Territory privacy legislation (referred to as privacy legislation). We will maintain the privacy of your health information as required by the regulations promulgated under that Act. If you share information with an orthodontist affiliated with Proligner, that information may be used to facilitate your treatment, or in support of payment or health care operations. You authorise the affiliated orthodontist providing services to you to share your personal information with us for such purposes, and you authorise us to use or disclose such information as needed in order to communicate with your healthcare providers and to provide services to you.

We use information we have collected about you to provide you with the services necessary to operate our business. We do not sell your personal information to third parties for any reason. We do not disclose your personal information to unaffiliated third parties who may want to offer you their own products and services unless you have requested or authorised us to do so.

We may share your personal information with third parties or affiliates of Proligner where it is necessary for us to complete a transaction or do something you have asked us to do. Likewise, we may share your personal information with third parties or affiliates of Proligner with whom we have contracted to perform services on our behalf. Companies that act on our behalf are required to keep the personal information we provide to them confidential and to use the personal information we share only to provide the services we ask them to perform.

In addition, we may call (which may include leaving voice mails), write, e-mail or message (including push notifications) (“communicate”) you to remind you of appointments (including dental monitoring). We may also communicate to notify you of other services available that might help you, or to conduct follow up, quality assessment, or to obtain reviews, feedback, assess satisfaction or similar activities. We take precautions on our end to secure electronic information (for example, we encrypt our electronic devices). However, it is possible that texts, emails or other communications could be intercepted in transit to or from your devices or networks. Customers hereby consent to communication through telephone, video, text, other electronic messaging or e-mail. Other than the foregoing, we will not use your information for marketing without your authorisation.

We may disclose your personal information as permitted or required by law, such as in connection with a subpoena, court order or similar legal process, or in connection with a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy, or in order to enforce our rights or enforce our Terms of Service.

Social Media

We may use and disclose your personal information to facilitate social media sharing functionality that you initiate. If you choose to connect your social media account (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) with your Proligner account or otherwise engage in social sharing about Proligner or the services, your personal information may be shared with your friends, contacts or others associated with your social media account, with other Site users, and with your social media account provider. By connecting your Proligner account and your social media account or contacting us via social media, you authorise us to share information with your social media account provider, and you understand that the use of the information we share will be governed by the social media site’s privacy policy.

For example, if you utilise a social media feature such as the Facebook “Like” button, Google Plus, Pinterest or a Twitter widget, these features may collect information about your IP address and which page you’re visiting on our site, and they may set a cookie or employ other tracking technologies. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. Your interactions with those features are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that provide them.

We may display targeted ads to you through social media platforms. These ads are sent to groups of people who share traits, such as where they live or have expressed an interest in shopping for cosmetics on our mobile site. We do not share any of your personally identifiable information, including your shopping history or health information, with social media platforms. See the policies of each social media platform for additional information about these types of ads, including how to manage your display settings for these ads.

Website Usage

Proligner or its authorised service providers may observe activities, preferences and transactional data (such as your IP address, browser type and operating system) relating to your use of the Site. This information is generally collected in non-personally identifiable format. We may use this collected or logged information in order to provide better service, to facilitate our customers’ use of the Site, to track usage of the Site, to address security hazards, and for other administrative or operational purposes. Proligner, or its authorised service providers, may use this information to track aggregate traffic patterns throughout the Site. We may use aggregated, statistical information to describe our customer audience, products, and services, and to develop partnerships with third parties to offer products and services in which we believe our customers will be interested.

Our Security Practices

Except as otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy, our internal data security policies restrict access to customers’ personal information to authorised employees for Proligner business purposes only. Our employees are bound by Proligner policies that require them to maintain the confidentiality of our customers’ personal information. Employees who violate these requirements are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that are designed to guard our customers’ personal information. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be absolutely secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, Proligner cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you transmit such information at your own risk.


We may use cookies to collect or log certain information. A cookie is a small piece of information that a Site stores on a personal computer and which it can later retrieve. We may use cookies for some administrative purposes, for example, to store our customers’ preferences for certain kinds of products or to store a password so that you do not have to input it every time you visit our Site. The cookies will not contain personal information that will enable anyone to contact our customers via telephone, email, or other means. This information will not be sold or shared with any third party not contracted with Proligner. If our customers are uncomfortable with the use of cookie technology, they can set their browsers to refuse cookies. Certain services, however, could be dependent on cookies and our customers may disable those services by refusing cookies.

Linked Sites

The Site may contain links to, or otherwise make available, third-party websites, services, or other resources not operated by us or on our behalf (“Third Party Services”). These links are provided as a convenience only and do not constitute an affiliation with, endorsement or sponsorship of the Third Party Services. Any information you provide to such third parties is not subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy, and we are not responsible for the privacy or security of the information you provide to them or their handling of your information. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of any third party to whom you provide personal information online.

Contact Preferences and Accessing Your Personal Information

You have choices when it comes to how Proligner uses your personal information. When you register online with or purchase items from the Site or otherwise provide your email address to us, you are automatically signed up to receive information about merchandise, services and promotional offers from us by email and/or direct mail. If you do not wish to receive such information, please contact us by email or direct mail to unsubscribe at or Proligner, Suite 201, 58 Hercules Street, Chatswood, NSW Australia 2067. Even if you elect not to receive such information, Proligner may continue to contact you as necessary to service your account and process your transactions and requests.

Mergers, Acquisitions and Backruptcy

If Proligner should ever file for bankruptcy or merge with another company, or if Proligner should decide to buy another business, or sell or reorganise part or all of Proligner’s business, Proligner may be required to disclose your personal information to prospective or actual purchasers and other parties. Proligner will obtain appropriate confidentiality protections for information disclosed in these types of transactions.


If you have questions about this Policy, you can contact us by sending us an email at or writing to us at: Proligner Customer Support, Suite 201, 58 Hercules Street, Chatswood, NSW Australia 2067.

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